Tomorrow at 8:30 am I have a PET scan.  I think I have explained what that is in an earlier post but basically it is a CT scan “plus” which has the imaging ability to indicate whether there is cancerous tissue/active cell growth occurring in the body.  HOW IT WORKS: Special diet restriction limits any kind of sugar intake into the body 24-48 hrs prior. Then the radiologist injects a sugar-like solution combined with radioactive chemicals into the blood just prior to the scan.  Since cancer cells are the strongest and fastest growing cells in comparison to others around them, they seek out the “sugar” coming into the body and feed on it.  The radioactive dye is then visible to the radiologist after the body is scanned with the CT/PET scan machine. Some of you may have heard people talk about whether the scan “lit up” or not.  This reference comes from the way the actual scan looks like when read by the radiologist or doctor; the “lit up” areas can often indicate cancerous cells/growth. (they kinda look like they are glowing)  So that is a very crude, elementary way of explaining a PET scan; please no taking this definition to your local doc as the professionals will say, “Well there is quite a lot more to it…..”

So tomorrow around 9:20 send a little our way…..this scan comes back clear and we stay right on track to knocking this cancer crap out of the park.

PS; will not know the results until at least Monday.  I’m sure I will get a million texts and I appreciate every single one, but rest assure….when I know… will know.

14 thoughts on “SCAN TOMORROW

    • Sending healing light as all those who love you are. You are very loved and good intentions sent by many to you I have learned work to heal. You will beat this!

  1. What sadly is routine for you…re: PET scan is still a mystery to many so your explanation is clear and appreciated. This cancer thing is always a waiting game….which is hard on all counts. Yup…you’ll get texts and everyone will wait to hear results…everyone who loves you and has you in their thoughts EVERY day. I’m first in line….your biggest fan….always here for anything you need or want. One of many…but truly the one and only ….mum! Love you tons and know the scan will be clear and we will move forward…following the plan to recovery and a cancer free world for you and your sweet girl.

  2. We are with you and Stevie in spirit, Caleb, and will be thinking of you all day tomorrow- TH- and through the weekend…waiting to hear results… and sending extra good juju. We LOVE you! Bonnie and George

  3. as always…tons of hugs and positive energy coming your way! I also am thankful for your easy to understand explanation! 🙂 stay strong you two!

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